Danger Zone

What has made the philosophy and operation of U.S. schools notable?

During the past 60 years, we have experienced some miraculous growth in our education society. Over this time, our society has been part of this experience by taking part in education opportunities. So many of us have been first-generation post-secondary students, and many are motivated to accept the challenge. The boundaries to acceptance weren’t the line in the sand that didn’t allow young people and middle-class people the chance to change their lives. It is easy to place prejudicial benchmarks on limiting opportunity. It is not easy to know when a person will rise to the occasion of notoriety when they were underachievers in past performances.

The basis for setting standardized student achievement benchmarks is that when we are separated by differences in race, culture, income levels, and career opportunities in a country, the educator is limited from developing those who would not make the cut.

It was discouraging to see how educators and accreditation members lost what they had been in charge of to bureaucrats. The danger zone signs should be up for us to see that the most knowledgeable curriculum developers and teachers, with methodologies for auditory learners, visual learners, tactical learners, and diverse cultures, can be lost instead of delivered by a student-oriented philosophy.

A recent article in “Inside Higher Ed. March 15, 2024” quotes the Biden administration’s proposal requiring accreditors to set minimum expectations on performance. For any educator, it is evident that the student comes to us with different baseline abilities. The true teacher is the one who can capture the baseline and grow the student’s competencies from there. Our higher education, secondary education, and elementary schools are on a very slippery slope. Participating in education at all levels, both nonprofit and for-profit, in the last fifty-six years has opened my perspectives on who is in the know for our students. My views on who has been the best regulatory accreditors were the accreditation professionals who made up the governing body from the practicing members in the field. Just because you went to school in America doesn’t make you a professional who can excel in problem-solvingevelopment, implementation of new programs, individual educational plans, and recognizing student needs for achievement; in curriculum the truth of education needs and development comes from its outstanding administrators and teachers. The more we create a nucleus of one assessment works for all is just not how America was built.

The basis for President Jimmy Carter’s creation of a Department of Education at the federal level has been manipulated and defamed from the original expectations. What was to be a support has become a punitive oversight of the operations and development of schools by nonactive participants in the field. Listening expertise has disappeared into an intellectual ego in the department’s administration. The humbleness of those in the trenches has been lost because the departments depend on the political administration in charge.

Let the people understand what the localized needs are and where the strengths and weaknesses exist. Build from a baseline to grow competencies.

Mainstream Adults back into Society

You are always delighted and encouraged to discover a diamond in the rough. My story today is about how communities can begin to fulfill the need for employees who could be loyal and grateful employees for your community.

I know you are aware of people experiencing homelessness, incarceration, people with addiction, alcoholism, and dysfunctional families in our communities. After my exit from my profession in the academic universe, I concluded I would volunteer at an Open Door Mission. The past ten years have proven to me there are some true diamonds in the rough. During this period, I have seen what I would consider miracles, with some of these men and women setting out on a new outlook on life. Sadly, some people fail due to a society that doesn’t understand their renewal back into society. The Open Door Mission creates an environment for challenging each resident to bring the best out of each participant in the program. The professionalism in case management brings the opportunity to heal mental health issues and stabilize their lives by improving their decision-making, health habits, housing, and proper nutrition. The recognition by each person makes clear how poor decisions have influenced their lives. During this period, their choices are made for them, and they don’t have to develop any extended problem-solving other than their actions while residing at the Open Door Mission. Upon graduation from the program, they are released back into society. Many have no income, no transportation, no place to live, and a lack of a support system.

Recognizing this dilemma as volunteers, the goal has been to convince employers to hire these people and give them a chance to contribute as citizens and not be a burden to society. Because of their obstacles, much resort back to their old ways and associate with the wrong people who draw them back into the old habits that once haunted them. Giving each person an opportunity to change their past to a new life gives them a better vision for life, using their employable skills. Creating these steps would be the path to mainstreaming them back into society to be self-sufficient. I recommend your community consider a focus group endorsed by the community to develop a plan to carry on the support these people need. This includes “discussion on.”

  • occupation
  • housing
  • transportation
  • healthcare
  • education
  • start-up income

Working with employers to hire these people on a plan from your community endorsement is critical to utilizing talents in your town or city. In today’s world, we have just scratched the surface of fulfilling our needs. It is time for you to discuss these possibilities with your community leaders within all aspects of the community’s needs. You have an opportunity to build a plan and implement it throughout the community. It is easy to see what challenges cause recidivism when people have been nurtured to the point of opportunity but have yet to be ready for the world.

It is worth the time and energy to research the possibility your community is missing out on a chance to fill in the employee gaps.

For more information on building a new life recovery program, contact info@mentorsofbethany.org

Executive Director: Raul Saldivar, raul.saldivar@mentorsofbethany.org

Short List: Actual success stories.

The young man who was a gang leader came to the program and communicated he didn’t like the program, didn’t believe in God or Jesus, and didn’t want anything to do with it. This same person finished Barber school and owns his own school now.

One person came to the program from jail with both an alcohol and drug problem. In addition, had an anger management problem. Today, he works with a large construction company that builds primarily large apartment buildings. His employer reports he will soon be a superintendent.

A 23-year-old young man came to the program with anger issues and a chemical dependence problem. Today, he has completed a college degree in construction management and is a manager with a construction company in Florida.

After a husband finished the program, his wife came to us and explained we had saved her life, their child, and the family.

Over the past years, these testimonies have been used by people who have become contributors to our communities. This could be your community! The testimonies provided excellent examples of transformation and success.

You can continue to see a high recidivism statistic for many of these people returning to welfare, incarceration, and missions for the homeless, or you can embrace the potential that exists in your own town.

harvardpolitics.com › recidivism-american-progress

More than 600,000 individuals are released each year from state and federal prisons. Another nine million are released from local jails. Within three years of their release, two out of three former prisoners are rearrested and more than 50% are incarcerated again. This process of previously convicted criminals reoffending and reentering the prison system is known as recidivism.

Focus on the prize of creating an opportunity for those in need!

Embracing a Fresh Start: Navigating New Beginnings in a Different City

Author Gwen Payne, https://invisiblemoms.com

Editor: Dr. Gary R Carlson

Embracing a Fresh Start: Navigating New Beginnings in a Different City

Relocating to a new city after facing personal adversity can be a complex and invigorating journey. It provides a chance to rebuild and redefine one’s life. In this article from Mentors of Bethany in America, we will explore key strategies to navigate the challenges and embrace the opportunities that come with such a significant change.

Allow Yourself Time to Adapt

Adapting to a new city is not an instant process; it takes time. Understanding that you might encounter unfamiliar environments, routines, and cultures is essential. Permit yourself to navigate this learning curve at your own pace. Patience is your ally during this transition.

Engage with the Local Community

Becoming an integral part of the local community can significantly enhance your sense of belonging. Attend local events, participate in clubs, or volunteer for organizations that align with your interests. Engaging with others fosters connections and helps you feel rooted in your new surroundings.

Cultivate a Positive Mindset

Maintaining a positive attitude is paramount as you embark on this adventure. Focus on the myriad of possibilities and exciting experiences your new city offers. Positivity is magnetic; it can attract like-minded individuals into your life, creating a supportive network.

Harness Technology for Exploration

Technology is a valuable ally in navigating unfamiliar terrain in today’s digital age. Outside suggests utilizing maps and navigation apps to explore your city efficiently. Social media platforms can connect you with locals, providing insights into hidden gems and local hangouts.

Chase Your Passions Fearlessly

Embrace this transition as an ideal chance to passionately follow your interests, whether through a career shift or embarking on an entrepreneurial journey. Embrace your new surroundings as fertile ground for both personal and professional development, and explore available options.

For instance, consider pursuing an online computer science degree, which can broaden your horizons across diverse fields like IT, programming, and computer science theory while affording you the flexibility to balance your work commitments with your educational pursuits effectively.

Find Your Ideal Residence

Your choice of living space plays a pivotal role in your overall well-being. Take time researching neighborhoods, visiting potential properties, and weighing the pros and cons before settling on a residence. Ensuring that your home aligns with your needs and preferences is essential for a harmonious transition.

Build a Strong Support Network

Every girl notes that creating a support network is vital when navigating a new city, especially after experiencing personal challenges. Reach out to colleagues, neighbors, or individuals who share your interests. A robust support system can offer guidance, emotional support, and a sense of security during times of adjustment.

Set Clear Goals for Focus and Motivation

Setting clear, achievable goals can be a powerful motivator throughout your journey in the new city. These goals can be personal, professional, or a combination of both. Having defined objectives provides a sense of direction and purpose, helping you stay on track and motivated.

Moving to a new city after personal adversity can be a transformative experience. You can navigate the challenges with resilience by giving yourself time to adapt, engaging with the local community, fostering a positive mindset, etc. Embrace this new chapter with open arms and a hopeful heart, as it offers a unique opportunity for personal growth and a fresh start.

Mentors of Bethany in America provides programs with mentors that reinforce self-image and self-worth and support career placement and continuing education guidance. Contact us today for more information! (text:402-850-7116)

When you find joy in hard you have found what you love! 

Humanity has always wanted to find life on an easy street but has found no easy street. What successful leaders have found was how to handle harder better. Your inner self knows when you are pushing to be closer to your potential, creating a surge of dopamine. Flooding your brain with dopamine and serotonin heightens feelings of euphoria, empathy, and love. As you transgress through life, the most rewarding achievements come from what is hard to accomplish. This application of life is not just reserved for bosses or leaders but applies to all of us. The role of a leader or boss today requires the ability to coach, develop, and understand that hard may create joy.


While so much of society is still looking for an effortless street, they don’t get it when the highest level of personal gratification is to achieve a higher level of expectation. Education and work history show we have created a cyclical redundancy of society having a values preponderance of entitlement. Which is entirely different from looking at how to conquer hard better. Hard, in comparison, must be a goal rather than the easy street of entitlement.


Our lives begin by enjoying and seeking comfort. Our first desires are security, love, care, and nourishment. As our experiences and brains grow, we are more aware of things we can achieve. Our concept of achievement doesn’t become deterred by “what if I fail.” No one asks if you want to learn a language or if you want to stop crawling and learn to walk or maybe even run. The expectation is to learn even when we know it will be hard. By our own adaptation to life, we tackle the hard next steps. From this moment on, the celebrations begin with the rewards of when you took those first steps or said those first words. Does hard stop after these beginning challenging achievements of expectations by those surrounding you? Guidance becomes paramount to the future and willingness to compete in a complex world. Don’t misunderstand; hard is not a life culprit but is the answer to joy when you find peace, grace, and joy in seeing your life at your comfort level.

Accepting the Challenge

Measuring yourself to others and coveting what others may have versus what you don’t have identifies the ugly view as changing to entitlement. Understanding that in our journey, hard is better when we are willing to accept the challenge. You must realize you share your neighbors’ aspirations, which gives you the opportunity to be a servant leader and provide them with grace on the path of life they aspire to achieve. Parallel to this, your aspirations may differ for attaining hard better.

Over a lifetime, your journey to achievements is never-ending. Humans have a preponderance of the need to feel needed. Our inner soul doesn’t want us to be needy but to be needed. In your daily role, do you ask yourself what I can learn from this experience? Life allows us to accept and learn experiences we would like to practice and those we would not. Each day throughout life, you are surrounded by structures and authority. Inside the structure is your existence. Two primary tasks during what may be challenging times is what can I learn from this. moment. 

When Does it Get Easier

In life we often look forward to when life is going to get easier. What we find out it never gets easier but what happens is we handle hard better. Success comes when we learn to handle hard things better. Coaching the men and women over the past 13 years with alcoholics, addicts, homeless, and dysfunctional families reveals they have never learned how to handle hard better. Responses of those who are in this state of existence are it is so hard, can’t do it, when is it going to get easier for me, why is it easier for other people, and when others see you handling hard things become harder. Those who aspire to success by conquering harder are seasoned to grasp the next challenge of hard to make it better. As coaches we prepare people for harder better. When they embark on their journey each one cannot sit on the escape zone of entitlement and what society has done to me. Those meeting with a new rewarding life learn how to handle hard better. If you have a meaningful pursuit in life it will never be easy. Those that succeed handle hard well. Don’t get discouraged know you will handle hard.

How Hard Defeats

During the time each person is in attendance at our mentoring sessions they are asked to write down their goals. This is like a brainstorming session delegated to each of their own wishes, needs, and value systems. The next step is not why these goals but the question is how many of you have achieved these goals. To their dismay they one by one admit they have not pursued or achieved their own goals. Why, when asked it isn’t possible and it would be impossible because it is to hard. Our mentoring and coaching dwells on the aspect of how to stop searching for easy street but to learn how to handle hard. Each one of these attenders possess potential they have not even discovered. They can dream of legitimate goals and pursuits but have never embarked on their journey to realize their individual potentials.

Love Yourself

It is important you get to know yourself. The power of surrender is easy to accept and realize the pitfalls of surrender and its affects on your work, family, and personal life challenges. The longer you don’t use your full potential the harder it seems to find a way to get above the pitfalls. Their view of difficulty should be converted to an opportunity.


For those who have conquered their fears and the acceptance of being to hard they have reached a revelation of success. It is important to accept that the pursuit of your unseen accomplishments will now be diminished if you understand you can’t do it alone. When facing hard better it is essential you are cognizant of your physical, mental, and spiritual state. Mentoring from someone you trust will help to balance these aspects with your coach to overcome the current hard and future hard. Be ready to seek out your coach, teacher, boss, pastor or an organization familiar with helping you achieving hard better.


Coaching presents a diverse group of people who need your help. This summary gives you a starting point of how to address people who are in quandary of how to move on to achieving at higher levels. During the pas 14 years our mentors have seen miraculous success with people who no one would have given a chance:

All of the following individuals are real people who have met with great success.

Gang Leader, alcoholics, addicts, dysfunctional families, homeless, incarcerated, absentee fathers and those searching for a life change.

For those who take the time make a difference! God Bless You All!

Your Beacon in the Tumult: Ways to handle Stress

Author: Gwen Payne

In life’s relentless whirlwind, stress often clouds judgment and disrupts peace, but spirituality shines as a beacon of hope and guidance. This guide from Mentors of Bethany in America invites you on a journey to understand and manage stress through faith, utilizing tools like reflection, mindfulness, and physical activities to deepen your spiritual connection. As we explore together, remember that your faith is more than a belief system; it’s a vital resource in navigating and overcoming life’s complexities.

Embrace Inner Contemplation

Life’s relentless pace often leaves you feeling overwhelmed. Carving out time for inner reflection is essential. During these moments, delve deep into your experiences of stress. Understand why certain situations unsettle you and how you react. It’s about inviting spiritual enlightenment into your life, allowing you to recognize and address stressors through a lens of faith and wisdom.

Spiritual Tranquility Through Mindfulness

Your journey towards tranquility can be profoundly impacted by mindfulness and meditation. These aren’t mere practices; they’re gateways to inner peace. As you engage in deep breathing or meditate, you calm your mind and strengthen your connection with your faith. You often find the clarity and spiritual serenity needed to navigate life’s chaotic episodes in these quiet moments.

Entrepreneurial Pathways for Reduced Work Stress

Workplace stress can be debilitating, stifling your growth both professionally and spiritually. Consider entrepreneurship if you find yourself in a job that no longer serves you. It’s not just about career growth; it’s about aligning your work with your spiritual values. Forming an LLC, for instance, offers benefits like limited liability and tax advantages, reducing stress from legal concerns and financial risks. States vary in their regulations; a Nebraska LLC with ZenBusiness, for example, might be your first step towards a fulfilling career path aligned with your spiritual goals.

Revitalize Your Mental Health with a Career Shift

Stagnation in your career can be a significant stressor, impacting your mental and spiritual health. If you’re ready for change, consider a career shift. This isn’t just about a new job; it’s about rejuvenating your spirit and mental well-being. A well-crafted curriculum vitae, easily created using online CV builders, can showcase your journey and skills, opening doors to opportunities that resonate more deeply with your spiritual path.

Spiritual Sharing Through Open Conversations

Stress can often make you feel isolated, but you’re never alone. Sharing your struggles with trusted individuals, perhaps your mentor from Mentors of Bethany in America isn’t just about venting; it’s an act of spiritual communion. These conversations can provide new perspectives, resonating with your faith and offering insights that help you navigate life’s challenges.

Exercise as a Spiritual Practice

Physical activity is not just about maintaining health; it’s a spiritual expression. Activities like walking, yoga, or gym workouts do more than release endorphins; they’re acts of self-care that align with many religious teachings. As you engage in these activities, you’re nurturing your spiritual well-being, embracing a holistic approach to stress management.

Spiritual Acceptance in Facing Stressors

Life will always present challenges, but how you face them makes all the difference. Minimizing exposure to stressors is wise, but spiritual acceptance is vital for those you cannot avoid. This acceptance is not resignation; it’s an acknowledgment of life’s realities and the faith that you have the strength to persevere.

Establishing Boundaries as a Spiritual Act

Setting clear boundaries in various aspects of your life — work, relationships, personal commitments — is crucial. This isn’t merely practical advice; it aligns with spiritual teachings about self-care and respect. By establishing these boundaries, you’re managing stress and honoring your spiritual values.

Your journey through life’s stressors is not just about coping; it’s about aligning your responses with your spiritual beliefs. By embracing practices like reflection, mindfulness, physical exercise, and open conversations, you’re not just managing stress but nurturing your spiritual well-being. Remember, the path to tranquility is not about avoiding challenges but facing them with faith, wisdom, and a clear mind.

Absentee Could be the Cause

First Step to know the facts:

Thank you for the responses and opinions shared with the readers. Please note the articles are not an indictment on you as a father or mother. I retired in 2010 and have devoted myself to the homeless, addicts, dysfunctional families and alcoholics. In 2018 Mentors of Bethany in America was organized as a nonprofit serving these men and women. The one aspect recognized immediately was the overwhelming reoccurrence of dysfunctional families and the lack of a parental environment. By reading this article you may see the importance of the role of mother and father.

Our world has bestowed an absolute necessity for every living human being. This similarity may be characterized and defined differently by our society and cultures. Practices of being a father or mother have occurred through the osmosis of learning from a mother or father each of us has inherited. The embodiment of being a father or mother goes back to the beginning of time. The experience of having a father or mother often differs for each one of us. Our retrospection of the definition of a father or mother has contradictions. Definitions of a mother or father have been learned by you from your cultured experiences throughout your life. While there are many aspects of life regarding life skills to be learned, the actual pedagogy available to society in public education, spiritual education, or higher education is limited to formality or aspects of parenthood’s best practices of love, hope, self-respect, friendships, encouragement, accountability, spiritual sensitivity, health, and parent responsibilities. The dependence on understanding the role of a father or mother filters through the practical experience of males and females from birth to adulthood. Conceptually we become a visible entity of replication of our father or mother. This accounts for both present and absentee parents. From this osmosis of learning from birth to adulthood creates a cyclical rebirth of the adoption of parental mores. Recognizing these accepted interpretations will provide a starting point for elaborating on how this circumstance affects our societal outcomes.

The origins of fatherhood and motherhood were earliest recognized in Christianity in the Holy Bible. Indisputably both roles in life play a significant contribution with carrying on the next generation of what they have comprehended to be a father or mother.


Fatherhood has varying perceptions in our existing cultures, social economic groups, and legal institutions. Each of us has a certainty as parents our children are given to us for a period. The presence or lack of presence in our children’s lives has everlasting effects on their intellectual, physical, emotional, and spiritual life. Fatherhood and motherhood are a partnership to accomplish the best potential in both our sons and daughters.

Asking the question of how do you become a father? Taking the definition from Wikipedia for father does not give us much to draw upon to understand the wholistic commitment it means to be a father. An elementary view is when a male figure becomes a father by legal responsibility, or biological relationship that carries with its certain obligations. Divine intervention posed a noticeably clear delineation why there is a father and a mother. Separate people with separate God-given roles. Fatherhood or motherhood has never rested only on biological or legal obligations as the final definition of being a parent.

What would be a cursory look at what is the qualifications to count as a father? In 2019, the United States Census Bureau released the first-ever report on men’s fertility. In June 2019 uncovered were 74.1 million men aged 15 and older are fathers. 72.2 million of these men have a biological child. Considering the education of these fathers 10 million do not hold a high school diploma and 8 million do without a graduate college degree. This accounting of the numbers gives us reason to consider in this report the narrative on how influencing fatherhood positively could influence societal improvements. The attributes and positive outcomes would build a foundation of what a good father would be needs to be addressed by our schools and spiritual lessons. Keeping in our strategy with recognizing good fatherhood versus negative fatherhood.

Fatherhood Strengths

Our American society’s focus on fatherhood definitions has relied primarily on biological and legal accountability. The first step may be becoming a father, and the next step would be to be a dad. Being a dad calls for much more than a birth certificate with a name on it. Dads or stepdads create a lifelong relationship with their children. It seems trite to express that a good dad resembles a pillar of strength, support, and discipline. Research and dads who are affectionate, supportive, and involved will contribute to a child’s cognitive, language, and social development. A good dad gives a child a sense of security, higher self-esteem, and authenticity. Dads take it beyond just being the breadwinner, to the accountability of gender development, intellectual development, and psychological development. There is no substitute for a dad’s love. The personality of a dad communicates this love and even with discipline the child is not blinded by the love of their father. Part of a child’s growing up is the love that is represented by appropriate discipline. Dads do not tell their children how to live but they allow their children to learn how they live as a parent.

Dads at Home and their Influence

Dads in America are an essential component of the family unit. While the standard view of the dad is a warrior, friend, and lover. Dads who accept these roles have a roadmap to be the person available in the household who has compassion for their family members. Compassion opens the opportunity to teach their children skills in their earliest skills of walking and talking. When their children face challenges, dads provide advice of how to meet the challenges. Dad becomes the historian in a family who understands the past, present, and future. Imagine a father who has the time to communicate family origins and values. Sons and daughters become familiar with making goals for themselves about their future and their father can support and assist in reaching their children’s goal. Dads will provide opportunities for the improvement of intellectual, physical, spiritual, and health skills. When all these goals, opportunities, skills, and life skills are presented to their children dads never give up on the success of their children. Throughout life, families with a dad understand and relate the rocks in the road to success and understand failures. Optimism for a dad is to continue to believe in the potential of their children. Children were always dependent on the qualities of a dad through the infant, primary, intermediate, and adolescent years. Mothers can fulfill their role when fathers are available for their God-given purpose. Fatherhood has the gift of being the greatest accomplishment a dad could achieve. The birth of a child is only the beginning of a journey that requires the presence of a father figure who lays the foundation for the next generation in our lives. This accountability requires a father figure who rejects passivity, leads courageously, accepts responsibility, and teaches how to live life eternally.

Today men lack in some cases the concept of what consists of manhood. On the surface, men are in a state of confusion with masculinity. When men have a lack of clarity about manhood they default to boyish behaviors. Confusion continues to be present when the question arises about when you are considered a man. When we leave it to men with their own definition, they self-defined with boyish behaviors. A father needs four faces of manhood. These faces break down into a king, warrior, friend, and lover. (Series 33 volume session 4) A man and the king stage comes often through their relationships with a father or other men.  It could have been from parents, mentors, heroes, or friendships. This reflects righteous energy through strong convictions, courageous moral choices, servant spirit, and righteous leadership. These steps in life produce integrity for a father figure. The King’s face knows what is right. When you are a father, he must lead with integrity. Without the balance of the other face’s integrity can become a bully or overbearing personality. The next face would be the Warrior face. This is the man’s face which reflects courageous energy. Father shows their expectations through initiative, protection, provision, and perseverance. The warrior face is associated with sports heroes, and leaders, because of their self-discipline and fight for the noble and right things. Fathers often are the present person to interpret these behaviors. Children with an absent father often are left out of understanding this component characteristic. These fathers lack taking on the responsibility of what is right. Authentic manhood to be a father (dad) needs both. The final face of a man’s life is their heart. Without the second two faces is dangerous for life and family. Men cannot be a one-sided person. Tragically the two faces of friend and lover can be unnatural to a man. The lack of being capable of navigating as a friend or lover is the inadequacy to be a complete father. Too many fathers are attached to their heads and hands. They have kept their heart in an absence to be a complete father. At times without the friend and lover face a father can become too critical, harsh, and demanding of his wife and children. The chance of intimacy is choked out by your need for control. Friend face calls for men to have relationships with other men. Men need other men when we may need to hear the hard things. Growing up often our relationships were arranged through organized activity. When a man grows up, they now struggle to create a relationship with other men unless organized. Friendships for fathers are essential to grow with your family. It is important to be available to build these relationships. Ask yourself “Would you want to be a friend with yourself?”

Fathers are necessary to be a complete family. There is enough research to show the positive effects of why a father has extremely specific blended contributions with a mother to make a family experience complete.

The institution of fatherhood has some essential mores providing the structure for providing potential success to our family units. It has been proven through outcomes the effects of the family not being complete with father and mother.

Absentee father syndrome has had extreme negative effects on American society. Recognizing this phenomenon now as a practicing educational professional has only seen the rise of negative societal outcomes and spiraling down effects of failure due to our community’s lack of addressing these issues.  I first began my experience by working with youth at a facility of incarceration for young men aged fourteen to eighteen. These were formidable years for me to watch children and youth with minor offenses translate into adulthood as acting or potential criminals. The question is how long it takes to understand and recognize the symptoms and outcomes of not dealing with the primary issue translating into a major epidemic in America. Our system has consistently dealt with this issue with incarceration which has increased jail cells, inmates in prison, poverty, crime, addictions, alcoholism, welfare, depression, violence, abuse, unemployment, and family unity. Our historical perspective is that we have expended copious amounts of money to the problems without any major cure to the systems. Addressing many of the issues examined has resulted in punishment. To turn around this epidemic we must exchange punishment for self-improvement.

Facts from “Life is Beautiful”, Ministries of Faith

  1. 85% of youth who are currently in prison grew up in a fatherless home. (Texas Department of Corrections)
  2. Seven out of every ten youth that are housed in state-operated correctional facility detention and residential treatment, come from a fatherless home. (U.S. Department of Justice)
  3. Children without a father are four times more likely to live in poverty than children with a father. (National Public Radio)
  4. Children from a fatherless home are twice as likely to drop out of school before graduating. (National Public Radio)
  5. 7 million children in the United States live in a home where there is no biological father present. (National Public Radio)
  6. Girls who live in a fatherless home have a 100% higher risk of suffering from obesity than girls who have a father present. Teen girls from fatherless homes are also 4 times more likely to become mothers before the age of 20. (National Public Radio)
  7. 57% of the fatherless homes in the United States involved African American/Black households. Hispanic households have a 31% fatherless rate, while Caucasian/White households have a 20% fatherless rate. (National Public Rate)
  8. In 2011, 44% of the children in home headed by a single mother were living in poverty. Just 12% of families living in a married -couple family were in poverty. (U.S. Census Bureau)
  9. Children who live in a single-parent home are more than 2 times more like to commit suicide. (The Lancet)
  10. 72% of Americans believe that a fatherless home is the most significant social problem and family problem that is facing their country. (National Center for Fathering)
  11. Only 68% of children will spend their entire childhood with an intact family. (U.S. Census Bureau)
  12. 75% of rapists are motivated by displaced anger that is associated with feelings of abandonment that involve their father. (U.S. Department of Justice)
  13. Living in a fatherless home is a contributing factor to substance abuse, with children from such homes accounting for 75% of adolescent patients being treated in substance abuse centers. (U.S. Department of Justice)
  14. 85% of all children who exhibit some type of behavioral disorder come from a fatherless home. (U.S. Department of Justice)
  15. 90% of the youth in the United States who decide to run away from home, or become homeless for any reason, originally come from a fatherless home. (U.S. Department of Justice)
  16. 63% of youth suicides involve a child who was living in a fatherless home when they made their final decision. (U.S. Department of Justice)
  17. Children living in a single-parent or stepfamily home report less schoolwork monitoring, less social supervision, and lower educational expectations than children who come from two-parent homes. (American Sociological Review)
  18. Within the African American/Black community, about 2.5 million fathers live with their children, while 1.7 million fathers are not living with them. (Huffington Post)
  19. Even when poverty levels are equal, children who come from a two-parent home outperform children who come from a one-parent home. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)
  20. In a 2014 study, only 3% of single mothers fell into the strongest demographic groups, while 44% fell into the weakest demographic groups. (Brookings)
  21. About 40% of children in the United States are born to mothers who are not married. Over 60% of these children were for born to mothers who were under the age of 30.
  22. 25% of children who are the age of 18 are currently being raised without the presence of a father. Around 50% of single mothers have never married. 29% are divorced. Only 1 in 5 are either separated or widowed. (Life is Beautiful Ministries of Faith)
  23. In single-mother households, 50% involve just one child. 30% of single-mother households have two children. (U.S. Census Bureau)
  24. 27% of single mothers were jobless for the entire year while taking care of their children. Only 22% of those who were out of work were receiving unemployment benefits at the time. (U.S. Census Bureau)
  25. The median income for a household with a single mother is $35,440. The median income for a home with a married couple raising their children is $85,300 in the United States) Two-thirds of low-income working families with children are in the African-American community. (U.S. Census Bureau)
  26. Over 30% of fatherless homes are classified as being food insecure, yet only 13% of homes will utilize the services of a food pantry. Over 30% of fatherless homes also spend more than half of their income on housing costs, which classified the household as experiencing a severe housing burden. (U.S. Department of Agriculture)
  27. In the United States, Mississippi has the highest number of fatherless homes, with 36% of households falling into the category. Louisiana comes in second at 34% while Alabama is third at 31%. (U.S. Census Bureau)
  28. Children who live in a fatherless home are 79% more likely to deal drugs or carry firearms for offensive purposes compared to children who live with their fathers. (Allen and Lo)
  29. 92% of the parents who are currently in prison in the United States are fathers. (Glaze and Maruschak)
  30. Pregnant women who do not have the support of their fathers experience pregnancy loss at a 48% rate. When the father is present, the prevalence of pregnancy loss falls to 22%. (Shah, Gee, and Theall)
  31. 43% of fathers do not see their role as something that is important to their personal identity. 54% of fathers in the U.S. say that parenting is not enjoyable all the time (Pew Research)
  32. Even in homes with fathers, the modern dad spends only 8 hours a week on child care, which is 6 hours less than the modern mom. On the other hand, 43% of the modern dad’s time is spent with paid work, compared to 25% of the time for the modern mom. (Pew Research)
  33. Only 5% of households in the United States say that the ideal situation is to have the mother work and the father stay at home to take care of the children. (Pew Research)
  34. 53% of Americans say that mothers do a better job at parenting than fathers. Only 1% of Americans say that fathers can do a better job of parenting than mothers. (Pew Research)
  35. 70% of adults say it is equally important for a newborn to spend time bonding with their father and their mother. (Pew Research)

These are the facts as reported in the research done. Even though some of these numbers may be inflated where marital status may reflect absentee fathers the fathers may be incredibly involved with their children. Even with this caveat it is evident we have a high mountain to climb. Our current solution is obviously not working. The clarity of the research sheds light on where we need to address our future attention.

Looking into the mirror we can all see the reflection of where the answer to our issues is derived from our past lineage or experiences. As a young boy, it was an ordinary phrase on the playground when one of your friends showed they may have liked someone of the opposite sex they would hear “First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby carriage.” This was used more as taunting to someone in the 1950s and ’60s. When we fast-track from those days to now, we see the innocence of such a time has disappeared. It was a simple phrase, but the sequence of love marriage and parenthood has proven by the research that it is not the norm today. Forty percent of the children in the U.S. are born to unmarried mothers. Forty-three percent of children under age eighteen are living without fathers according to the U.S. Census. The expectation of a dad staying in the picture has become not the norm. When a dad is more likely to become part of a family unit is when there is a marriage. Where there are cohabitating parents’, chances are increased three times, more likely to have a departing dad. These children may never even know their dad. From the National Fatherhood Initiative, forty percent of children who do not live with their father have not seen him in the last twelve months. Twenty-six percent of these fathers live in another state. The outcomes of an absent father produce volumes of resources on a simple Google search that clarifies the negative effects. There have been articles written and talk show hosts communicating with their followers the devastating effects of absentee fathers in the home as being an epidemic. Our society has done an excellent job of monitoring and describing the outcomes of absentee fathers but extraordinarily little has changed these outcomes by not addressing the systematic changes that would be necessary. Those who have experienced this phenomenon in most situations have ended up in punishment rather than self-improvement learning activities. While discovering most of us have learned how to be a parent by our own parents and those we associate with during our younger years of life. Absentee fathers in the U.S. have grown in actual numbers for the past fifty years. While pursuing the cause and effect of absentee fathers’ syndrome we see very clearly the cycle of a clear repetitive practice. What gets practiced gets done. This practice could be positive or negative. Measuring the ills of life often can be traced back to the family unit and the origins of how a child was raised. The cycle cannot be broken until children and our society understand being a deadbeat dad or a single mom is not the norm in our lives. There is enough evidence to prove the majority of those experiencing a life of crime, imprisonment, poverty, shorter life spans, drug addiction, alcoholism, depression, homelessness, school dropouts, poor health habits, lack of goal setting, unemployment, no transportation, lack of credit, no life skills, and most of all no spiritual connection or beliefs is the makeup of these dysfunctional families. Throughout my professional life I have worked with people who exemplify high potential while facing all these ills of their life. Our society separates our population into those of us who may not experience or understand how inflicted people are not oriented with a remedy of self-improvement but are withstanding punishment and segregation through limiting their resources for the ability to reduce the ever-present societal issues of absentee fathers creates in the U.S. Men of Bethany in America is a nonprofit organization that has dedicated itself to support and guide adult men and young men how to be better fathers, sons, husbands and becoming an authentic man. By having a lifelong experience of observing the epidemic of absentee fathers and those who have a high likelihood of becoming dead-beat fathers our organizational members have firsthand solutions to these ills of our society.


The institution of fatherhood, marriage, children, and what constitutes the expectations of being a man have resulted in ongoing changes by the strengths and weaknesses of a society that was intimidated to embrace the positive effects of a present father in the lives of their children. Through research society can see the effects of absentee fathers but what would be the results of a society that embraces the need for self-improvement in the category of being a father. The family unit is the most important influence on our lives. These influences can build communities of love, hate, violence, employment, unemployment, crime, homelessness, great education, poor education, faith, despair, goals, defeat, health, and poor health. I am sure you have more to add. We will stop here to understand the true steps of the born changes that need to happen to produce a society of love, hope, and faith. How can we combine the influences of being a leader to make changes to just being a friend? Over fifty years I have seen America try to legislate laws to accomplish the elimination of segregation, prejudice, and hatred. I think you will be the first to agree as we see our society today legislation on topics like these does not work. Ask yourself where does a society with weaknesses deal with these issues? Our nation is a nation of laws, and we keep lawyers busy interpreting and defending our rights. My frustrations of the days when I was a supervisor and teacher at a juvenile jail was to see youth with potential wasted on a legal system that did not work. Over the next fifty years, our answer must build more jails, which produce recidivism for most of the detainees returning. I ask you to look at the prison’s demographics and you will find people of color, addicts, alcoholism, fatherless people, along with depression, dysfunctional families, and desperation.

Succinctly, my point is that we can send men and women into outer space, we have created vaccines to cure devastating diseases, robotics that do surgery, built automobiles that can run on electricity, and this list of achievements goes on and on. So, what is my point? Simply we cannot legislate a change in our attitudes and the treatment of each other without addressing the real needs of our society. Our answers start in our schools. But this is not the only place we must go. As you have seen our attitude is formed primarily by the family unit, neighborhood, and friends, and today social media has a hand in sensationalism. Often crimes of society can be resolved if the attitude can be changed. The attitude of change being resolved by punishment does not work. Recognizing there are all levels of unacceptable behaviors how can we engineer a program for these people to change their lives? What will be the cost that will be realized in each of these people becoming productive citizens and taxpayers to provide for health, fire, and security in our communities? Case studies over the years have had the symptoms, and clear need for a necessity of change for these people in despair because of demographic isolation, economic despair, lack of faith, low moral values, and an incomplete education.  These changes start first in a ground-roots movement by the people of communities working together to have a greater understanding of how people working together will improve the circumstances and see to it the system will provide for the community’s desires through their request. Pain is egregious as we continue to ignore the answer. The government does not know how to complete a program for love, hope, faith, and understanding. It must come from the ground roots of the people who are willing to step forward to initiate the change.

Fatherhood (Early Childhood)

Early Childhood and Fatherhood

Common sense has shown by practice a father needs to be a participant at the very beginning of life of an infant. Experience has shown infants to age five are thriving on father participation in their lives. The first five years of life provides for happiness, sadness, fear, and confusion. A father’s comfort by their attention and caring by holding and talking to their child provides comfort, security and protection. Research shows that when fathers respond to children when they are upset in a calm fashion will have a better chance of being less aggressive and negative with their life acquaintances.

Fathers Leadership Role

Really! What could a father do, when their child is and infant or a toddler? Leadership from a father counts at all ages. When you have the leadership role of a father you automatically become a protector, provider, and disciplinarian.


In preparing for a new born child in the home is commitment for a father. The quote “Baby Proof,” is directly related to the home a child will live. Wha are we talking about?

  1. Protect Children from dangers inside the house.
  2. Protect Children from external dangers. (neighborhood, bullies, strangers, accidents, disease and neighboring pets)
  3. Keep hazards out of a child’s path.

Social Environment

Your social environment will overlap with you child. These social engagements will need to be considered for:

  1. Knowing family and friends who will be engaging with your child.
  2. Know dangers that may exist in others homes.
  3. Be aware of any firearms in the home.
  4. Remove hazards from the child’s path.


A father’s role is related to a sense of duty, this is a sense of identity, and his manhood. Different cultures have different messages about what it means to be a man, a husband, and a father. To many times the role for the father is simply a stereotype of men “bring home the bacon,” duty. As our world has evolved this is not true in all cases today. This could be a single parent duty or combined. In our courts of law the father is often the person characterized as this person as the provider. For the sake of this article it is a must for the father to not to forget from a child’s view point a father is a provider or a absent provider.


While preparing your child for their future fathers may have high expectations. Fathers need to be there to teach their child how to handle numerous situations. These would be a cast of experiences with impulses, stress, danger, and love. The disciplinarian role must not be violent but a respective and safe way. This helps their child respond to situations accordingly and appropriately.

Facts About Fatherhood

A. Increase Intellect: •Fathers who were actively involved throughout the 1st year of their child’s life perform better on cognitive development assessments and demonstrate an increased capacity for curiosity and exploration. Children raised with active dads tend to score higher on verbal and math tests and are less likely to drop out of school or commit juvenile crimes.

B. •Boost Confidence: The emotional support provided by a father to his child is a priceless gift. By helping kids to understand how much they are valued and loved, children with supportive fathers are more likely to have high self-esteem and are generally happier and more confident. They also demonstrate a greater tolerance for stress/frustration, less hesitation/fear in new situations and an increased ability to resist peer pressure and stand up for themselves.

C. •Someone To Look Up To: . Fathers provide a positive male role model for their children and help to promote/reinforce good behaviors. As a result, children with more involved fathers tend to have fewer behavioral and impulse control problems, longer attention spans and a higher level of sociability. These children also tend to be more compassionate and generous, with an increased awareness of the needs and rights of others.

D. • Provide A Different Perspective: Children are naturally full of questions, and mothers and fathers approach those questions in different ways. Active parents with different approaches to parenting can be a great way to expose children to a broad range of thinking and problem-solving. Active fathers have a unique opportunity to share their perspective on life and teach their kids valuable life skills!

E. Feel The Love: •It’s the most obvious thing to say, but that doesn’t make it any less important – having an active father makes a child feel loved! Having dad as a steady source of love and encouragement helps ensure that children grow up happy and healthy, with high self-esteem.

•Being an active father is one of the most important things you can do for your child. If you’re a new dad or just want to learn more about how you can make a positive impact on your child’s life, check out some more individualized training and support!

If you might be looking for a great resource you can find it from Laura A. Jana, MD.

Dr. Jana is a board certified pediatrician who is an author and a regular on “Ted Talks”.

If you are a new to be father or a father with youngsters please consider reading her book.

“The Toddler Brain” “Nurture the Skills Today that Will Shape Your Child’s Tomorrow

I share gratitude to the men we mentor each week who have not experienced a father in their lives. May this be a message for them to become great father figures!


How Long Will IT Take To Identify the Elephant in the Room

Did social media change your attitude? (Twitter, Facebook, Tik Tok)

Research of the facts:

How are your emotions affected regarding your mental state by seeing others’ responses? If you were to define the value and use of social media what would the majority of the world see the platform being used to achieve? Is it possible for social media to influence others to change their views or attitudes? Below gives you an in-depth view of the growth of how social media may change our lives. What does this mean for you and our youth? A true revolution of information doesn’t mean it is true or false.

This growth trend exemplifies outcomes we may not be proud of in our societies using or misusing this tool. This is a composite look at how our public has accepted social media and found a new influencer associated with potential power.

64% of Americans say social media have a mostly negative effect on the way things are going in the U.S. today.

Knowing these facts you may ask yourself, “What can I do about this world wide reality?”


In a Pew Research Study in 2020, American participants in a study reported only one in ten people felt social media had a positive effect on the way things are going. In addition, one-quarter surveyed felt they didn’t have a positive or negative effect.

Just by looking at the grave differences in outcomes of negative and positive, we can see a chasm of difference in the perception of how social media is reported. A point to consider here is the research on how much our local and national news is positive or negative.

By reviewing these results it is possible to have answers to what societal values are being constructed by the social media presented to the masses. In comparison to the total number of people being affected by social media, we must ask how often do they turn to this medium?

I ask you, how much influence this medium may have on the future of society. Knowing that it could be possible to have positive effects the actual findings show most users see a different story.

Young adults were among the earliest social media adopters and continue to use these sites at high levels, but usage by older adults has increased in recent years. As society continues to adapt to a technology age there have become new avenues of information opportunities through social media. The new caveat to information is being capable of deciphering what is true and what is false.

Technology has adjusted our youth’s dependence on automation technology to satisfy their psyche. Our ability to implement a new facet of our young people’s lives has been somewhat of a failure. By the research statistics, our youth have been vandalized of their innocence by a culprit mentality by taking advantage of their needs. During the past two decades, social media has offered our society a double-edged sword. Young people have turned to substitute entertainment, to relieve boredom, and stay in touch with friends electronically, which has had physiological effects on their brains that have effects on dopaminergic pathways connecting directly with mental health.

Per a recent Pew Research Center (2021), 82 percent of American adults 30 years and younger use some type of social media. How are these people using social media?

  • social interaction
  • information seeking
  • entertainment
  • relaxation
  • fear of missing out

The time has come when we need to understand the pros and cons of social media and subscribe to educating ourselves on how to better prepare our future generations to utilize the medium productively. In comparison, social media like alcohol or drugs can deter dopaminergic pathways more quickly and reliably than naturally derived awards such as studying hard and getting good grades. Instant dopamine rush is as addictive as drugs or alcohol. This rush may cause depression, anxiety, and other mental illness. Signs of compulsive social media use include preoccupation, spending increased time on social media, as well as restlessness, sadness, or anxiety when attempting to control social media use.

Parents today can relate to the days when it was difficult to get their children to come in at night into the house. Where today it is difficult to get their children away from social media.

Steps to be taken:

  1. Recognize there is a problem
  2. What is excessive use and make a plan to curb usage
  3. Teach self-corrective behavior by using apps that measure the use
  4. Take the most used apps and place them in a folder
  5. Time limits
  6. Changing from color to black and white on a smartphone

More time spent on social media can lead to cyberbullying, social anxiety, depression, and exposure to content that is not age appropriate. Social Media is addicting. When you’re playing a game or accomplishing a task, you seek to do it as well as you can.

Please be cognizant and not leary of the actual impact social media has had on your life and society. Social Media is a double-edged sword where it can be beneficial but also can be effective in propagandizing people of all ages. Social Media is not going away but society will need to be more conscious of what is fact and what is opinion. This medium of communication has had a negative influence on our youth and young adults. Awareness by each of us and our families is the way to full comprehension of the ills that may accompany social media.

Stay in tune with your own usage and family. Look for the truth and not an opinion created with no facts. All the uproar can be stifled if you can be smarter than the false information that may be coming your way.

We all need a brighter future that is created by the people who look for the truth.

Our own search for news and media from the masses excels the producers of media by recognizing the need for a rational thought process to not be affected immediately as a judge and jury. Our young people age 30 and younger have experienced confusion. Leadership and governing groups add to the confusion which is often substantiated as truth through social media. Life is not complicated but how we treat it makes it that way.

After volunteering for the past ten years with the homeless, incarcerated, drug addicts, gangs, broken homes, absentee fathers, and alcoholics has provided our mentors with the clarity and simplicity of what is important in life. There is a guarantee on average we spend 15 years as a child, 20years in bed, another 30 years at work and by knowing this possibility how can you not allow negativity to become part of any of these years? It is important you have a plan for your life for life is short.

Wake Up America

Focus on the next generation!

This post goes out to all the citizens, moms, dads, teachers, and communities in America. My appeal to you comes from observation, translation, and experience that exceeds fifty years of being affected by a slow takeover. You must be aware of the public’s shift in control and direction. private, parochial, and proprietary schools are being slotted and categorized by the US Department of education with a committee politically motivated by members being appointed by politicians called the National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity. From its inception to today has been so manipulated that it doesn’t even get close to what it once was during President Carter’s intention.

President Carter

Upon signing the Department of Education Organization Act Statement in October 1979, Carter said:

Primary responsibility for education should rest with those States, localities, and private institutions that have made our Nation’s educational system the best in the world, but the Federal Government has for too long failed to play its own supporting role in education as effectively as it could. Instead of assisting school officials at the local level, it has too often added to their burden. Instead of setting a strong administrative model, the Federal structure has contributed to bureaucratic buck passing. Instead of simulating needed debate of educational issues, the Federal Government has confused its role of junior partner in American education with that of silent partner.

Department of Education Act, October 1979

Was this for political reasons> the first It was the first time the country’s largest labor union, the NEA endorsed a president in the election?

At this time I was active in school operations at the secondary level in special education and had just recently received by doctorate degree in education. At first glance of what President’s intentions were seemed admirable and focused on the responsibilities of the state and local schools. His proclomation seemed to be intended to support the works of local schools by assistance and not the bureaucratic oversite of a federal government. Sounds good from the first glance of 1979. It is with great concern. that I would encourage you to take time to see how federal government by using your tax dollars are taking over control of the neighborhood schools, colleges, career schools, public schools, private schools and trade schools. Decisions in the last twenty years have been made from the US Department of Education without any regard for your community needs. In the past twenty years we have seen big governmnt bailout auto industries, insurance companies, influence energy cost, reduced the value of US dollar, and ignore the forefathers outline of school intentions and requirements. The outward dependency of schools on dollars has put them into a double edged sword of regulations and fear mongoring directed to mere survival from one year to the next.

This government control expansion has been growing with each year and is placing schools into a please and thankyou position with their benefactors. It is my hope that when you see the facts and understand what is at stake here you will consider how important elections are to bring the pedalum back to student oriented decisions that apply to educational methodology for baseline development and optimal potential. There needs to bea complete focus on rewards for great teachers and replicating successful teaching by investing in better teacher training. The parallels from business, technology, economics, life skills, budgeting, civic responsibilities, emotional intelligence and spirituality has become a gray area because of the threats to schools who might be outside the federal government compliance rules and would lose funding. The heights and breadth of what can be in a school is dependent on the rules by regulators. The ability for teachers to put dreams into action would be outside the realm of regulations jurisdiction. I ask you how would an Anne Sullivan teacher be supported today with a Hellen Keller. Her search for what methodology would have been outside the rules.

Today, influences on the next step in education are political and financial and not performance. Both unions and government shy away from what really would make a difference in our schools today. The rewards for expanding and implementing what is successful from the teacher ranks has the attention of an ata boy recognition. Ted Talks brings more forth to the community of educators than the government. Great ideas need support though with promotion, piloting by teachers, training, implementation and review. So many great ideas get lost on the shelf. This call for action is a resullt of a political view where a corporation or business of magnitude is in trouble there is an answer on how to bail them out. But let a school fall to bad times or leadership like business and we just finda a way to close them down.Which affects jobs, communities, families, students, businesses, tax dollar potentials, and the increase in shortages.

Schools Closed Elementary and Secondary Please click on link:


Higher Education

I ask you as a citizen when you get so much lip service to sustaining our great democracy but shun the rapid diminishing of schools and colleges than once were part of your community.

Don’t be fooled by the explanation of how technology and student interest has changed the outlook on how students are proceeding in their educational life. My observations with many of the schools being closed with their enrollments were with students who were first to attend a school of higher education in their family. Final question is after their school closed where are they now?

Ask your representative the right questions that will and are affecting your community and family!

Veterans Day U.S.A. should be Every day

It is with great pleasure I get to work with young men at the Open Door Mission in Omaha, Nebraska. Today was a special day where we discussed the meaning of Veterans Day and Memorial Day. Veterans day and Memorial day has always had a special place in my heart. My deceased father was in the Army for thirty years and was my hero when it came to patriotism and the love of his country the United States of America. It was his attitude and lessons that taught me the appreciation for the veterans of America for what they have sacrificed for the citizens of this country. Throughout history we are so lucky to have the men and women who have graciously given of their time and skills for our benefit. It seems like a small bit of appreciation of on day in May or November when these people have given years and lives to maintain the constitution provided through many blood, Sweat and tears. I had a couple students who have not been privy to my experiences and life with the military by having a father who provided his life to the military but wanted to still express their gratitude towards our veterans. The two narratives were replicated exactly as written. Keep in mind these are people who have reached out for help and are in recovery for many different reasons. You will see the sacrifices our veterans made for these two residents of the Open Door Mission have not gone without their appreciation. I hope you enjoy their remartks.

OEM the Fourth, Many Americans do not understand and take for granted the saying, “Freedom isn’t free.” However, my father is a veteran of the United States Air Force which has given me a good understanding of that saying. I am honored to be a part of a military family and hold a deep respect for those whom gave their lives for this country and for those who are dedicating their lives for this country and for those who are dedicating their lives today. Thank you all that paid the ultimate sacrifice and thank you to those that lived and are a sacrifice for our nation’s safety and security as I writ this letter. I am eternally grateful and we are forever in your debt.

ABJ: To all that has served, Thank you for the peace I can live within today. I thank you for fighting, serving and sacrificing for the peace that I enjoy. Words really don’t explain the feelings I hold for everything our veterans have done for peace, unity, love, care, kindness, strength and courage. My grandfather served in World War II and am assured that even though I never met him his spirit lives on in our family. I served at Fort Sill Oklahoma. I still hold values that I learned there. Finally I would like to express my gratitude for all your love sacrifice, commitment, grace, perseverance, and faith. Thank You for all you have done.

In turmoil and peace we can count on your service people to be their when the need arises!